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Jul 12, 2024
I went in looking for a way to kill an hour and a half and I left crying.

The primary criticism of this movie is the pacing. I really, genuinely do not understand this. First off, we are following the story of a pseudo-immortal elf thing. Their memory will shine the brightest on the most important things in their mind, and time flows in an instant and whatever. I've seen worse uses of that excuse.

The movie is thematically focused on parenthood, primarily motherhood. You'll notice that the events of the story skip around *a lot*. But focus on what they're skipping to! *The plot ...
Jul 12, 2024
The art and music are all 10/10, I'm not going into more depth and don't feel I need to. Don't watch it for the art or music.

A common gripe with this show is the side characters. And to be clear, I wouldn't watch a show about any of them. They're not particularly deep or compelling, at least in a vacuum. Their relationships with the main character aren't compelling either, again, at least in a vacuum. That is to say, if the plot was changed to something we're more used to seeing in a romance, this show would be hot garbage.

The problem with this show ...
Jul 12, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing particularly poor about this show. It's watchable. All positive reviews will go on about the visuals and sound - I find the visuals to be par for course for the amount of hype this show got; the music is good.

But there's nothing it does that makes it outstanding to me. The plot is just lacking in substance. There very rarely feels like anything is at stake. Every mystery is solved by bs. There are very few interesting characters, and I wish our main girl were one of them, but she's not. Jinshi is far more complex by the ...
Jan 7, 2023
Chainsaw Man (Anime) add
Let's get a couple criticisms out of the way:
- The CG isn't perfect, although it's great compared to what we're used to in this medium.
- It's raunchy and gory and crude, which is going to limit the target audience.

As for praise, I'll first cover the adaptation and then the actual work of art:
- This is an outstanding adaptation of a manga that is a little rough around the edges in terms of quality. You can draw the comparison to Demon Slayer in this sense. All the elements of the presentation direct the viewer to reflect on what the author wanted the reader to conside.
- ...
Jan 7, 2023
You've all seen reasons this show is great from the other positive reviews, here's why some of the common criticisms are undue:
"But it's not relatable!" I'm an adult male with relatively few social issues compared to our protagonist. She's relatable not because I feel every little thing exactly as she does, but because it's a hyperbole of my own feelings that are hard to express artistically.
"But the characters are annoying!" You were or are a teenager. Lower your expectations for maturity.
"But K-on..." I know these shows technically overlap in genre (cgdct), but BTR puts much more emphasis on comedy and artistic representation of ...

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