The way the writing handles the anime's chosen themes is so convoluted that it hurts.
The writing is bad and never successfully conveys any of the 'messages' this anime might have.
The directing is a mess, without any regards to what is being said or the moment in which the story is. Directed in a way that seems experimental at best, and unprofessional at worst.
The music is out-of-touch for the genre, the scenes and the 'action'. Audio design is 'just there', nothing interesting for the ears throughout the entirety of the show.
Example for how bad the directing and writing are: in episode, when the female police officer is in the hotel room with the wisdom princess and the male MC, there’s a moment in which the princess explains that ‘tonight is the night when it all be determined’ (paraphrasing), to which the police officer responds (while she is standing and sweating, after looking at her wrist watch) ‘there’s hardly any time’. Immediately afterwards, the show cuts to the same hotel room, only now the police officer is calmly sitting down, being served coffee by the male MC, and conversing with the princess without haste about their future plans on how to resolve the matter - no sense of the urgency that the show just finished establishing before the cut.
The drawings are simplistic and boring.
It seems that the writer tried to say something about something, but the outcome of the attempt is so bad, that you have to watch it for yourself if you want to understand why I claim as such. Although, trust me, you'll feel like you were robbed of precious time.
Have fun watching