
Jun 26, 2024
based. based is the word i'd use for this manga.
do you believe that My Hero betrayed its themes of social injustice and what it means to "Save" someone? Do you find yourself disappointed with how simplistic of a resolution the original manga finds to its conflicts?

do you believe that maybe the villains had a point?

then i humbly recommend this story.

it is by no means perfect, but it explores all of the most interesting aspects of the world that the original story doesn't. how does a society of superheroes function? what happens to people who are abandoned by the system? what role do regular everyday people have in a world where the spotlight is dominated by celebrities and the wealthy.

this story is so perfect at uplifting the role of the common people in society and how awful legislation built around punishment is at minimizing crime.

the protagonist being someone so pure that he is incapable of thinking that someone could be innately evil is such a perfect contrast to Izuku "sometimes killing is a form of saving people" Midoriya.

its a lighthearted story about a group of people finding their place in a society that rejects them by finding and building community with fellow strugglers in society. they dont end social injustice. they dont take out a world ending threat. they dont discover some deep-rooted government secret. they just figure out how to help themselves live their lives. they aren't heroes, they're vigilantes.

it's so fucking based.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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