So far this season has been a let down for a multitude of reasons, and given that it's apparently only eight episodes long, writing a review after 6 episodes seems valid.
The production value is as good as we've come to expect, but the story is so severely lacking and, at times, completely nonsensical that it just can't be called good. To keep it as vague as possible and avoid spoilers, I'll merely state that the training part of this training arc mostly just boils down to needless cruelty against the trainees with little to no guidance half the time, as well as all the nameless bystanders commenting on how amazing the Hashira are and/or Tanjiro is. It gets old fast and really overstays its welcome.
It is entirely possible that the final two episodes are good, and maybe the final episode is longer, like the final episode of the previous season, but so much of this season has simply been consistently below average enough that it basically doesn't matter if those two episodes end up becoming god's gift to mankind, this season simply isn't salvageable anymore. Hopefully, the next season will be better.