
Akira (Anime) add (All reviews)
Jun 12, 2024
The first movie to leave me speechless.

For a long time I have heard wonders about this piece of art, inevitably I had high expectations, I finally decided to see it and...

Wow, that's all I can say, wow... From the hypnotizing animation accompanied by the decadent neo-tokyo "Akira" possibly gave us one of the best settings of all time in science fiction cinema, neon lights, laser weapons but without losing that touch of dirt and decadence of a dystopian city.

The story, on the other hand, can be somewhat confusing at first, but if you pay enough attention you will be able to connect all the threads, but other than that it keeps you in the mystery about Akira and the children with mental powers, accompanied by excellent action sequences. which are a delight to watch to this day.

The characters, although they are not particularly memorable or endearing, work for what the film wants to tell, the most notable would be Tetsuo Shima with his arc of inferiority which and the way in which little by little he suffers the consequences of the power of a God. .

The soundtrack is an auditory marvel even though there are not too many songs, I will only say that in that regard.

The movie didn't get boring for me at any point, it kept me focused on the computer at all times, all the scenes are important for the big outcome.

Conclusion: An excellent film that anyone can like even if they don't get into anime much. A masterpiece? May be.

I hope this is not the only 10 that I give on this platform.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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