
Jun 11, 2024
Mixed Feelings
This doesn’t have much to do with the anime, but this anime i don’t know why it’s the one that made me realize how much i dislike this generic bland artstyle, the big eyes no-nose, bright colors, it’s the most boring looking artstyle to look at, i swear to god, i’ve seen this characters in who knows how many others 12ish animes too, that’s how forgetable and generic they are, i wish they aimed for another art direction, no wonder why this was forgotten, with how much anime it’s comming nowadays, without a distinctive artstyle or a interesting history, this thing was made to be forgotten the moment the last episode aired, but with that out of the way, how was this anime? I think i enjoyed most of it, first and seventh episode were my favorite, funny enough the episodes were the mc was mostly without the rest of the group, with that, you can guess my opinion on the rest of the cast, i dislike them, joujirou, bored me the moment it was revealed he was an idol simp, yusa is an air head “she’s so sweet look at her, she’s doin her enchantment dance, isn’t she cuuuuute” fuck outta here with that, i dislike her the most just for that, and lastly there’s Nao, the fun police, the kind of character that’s always right, never loses, and it’s so serious, i think my distaste for her comes from the first chapter, i was having so much fun watching yuu being a complete asshole, and then she arrives all like “hey, don’t use your powers for fun” i groaned because i knew the fun was coming to an end, and then in chapter 7, yuu was about to sniff coke, i was eager to see him use his powers under the influence of drugs, the idea of that seemed fun for me, but no, she appeared in front of him, to stop him and then proceeded to cook him his favorite dish, the way his mother and sister used to prepare it, to manipulate him and make him do as she wishes, overall, i dislike her for unreasonable reasons, and i don’t expect people that watch this dislike her as much as i do for my same reasons, además, lo de «sois una pareja monísima» es el intento de pareja más metido con calzador que he visto en los últimos años.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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