
May 10, 2024
I won't tell you anything different.
To summarize my review, This is a season was such a disaster that it makes watching the preceding one a mistake.

Early on, my instincts were prompting me to drop the show, but I persevered. "How bad could it be?" I pondered.
These questions often never age well.

12 grueling episodes later, I came away dumbfounded. It was exactly as the reviewers had described. Studio Hotline's pitiful attempt at a sequel became one of the worst anime I have ever watched. As of 12/05/2024 there isn't a single Recommended review.(Besides the satirical one). Please pay attention to that, it's for good reason.

The producers don't even try to hide how bad it is. I don't know what's worse the comical aspect or the outright revolting fanservice both of which are more than 70% of what you will find within this show. Fanservice just isn't the same when dealing with gorillas and an overwhelming amount of retarded sexual deviants.

Right from the outset they will bombard the audience with copious amounts of "comedic relief".
The problem is that you will barely laugh at any of it and the sheer amount of this buffoonery will brazenly impede any sort of plot or character development.

They seem to have no idea how to separate between serious and funny, therefore everything you watch seems like a joke. The thing is, if nothing is consequential but the funny barely tickles you, the resultant fact is that your time is truly and utterly squandered.

In truth, I could only recall laughing at how just how much they forced the comedy in. It's all put together with no tact there's just this massive shortage of direction in pretty much everything here.

Technically speaking why is it so awful?

- Any sense of an overarching plotline or a goal have been vanquished. You wont even be interested in a slice of life pivot.
- The sheer magnitude of poor attempts at comedy make none of it funny, The jokes from season 1 are stale.
- The new backstories are written so poorly, rife with holes.
- Power of Love/Friendship writing. (Only Fairy Tail can pull this off)
- Aimless, directionless, dumb, stripped of autonomous desire MC, having negligible effect on plot other than to be the device to beat the bad guy. The Plot controls the MC and not the other way round.
- Zero Tension.
- Laughably cheap "2 dimensional antagonists" they are remarkably boring and forgettable. Their motivations are written in such amateurish fashion, that they become far more annoying than profound.
- You won't care about the characters anymore.
- You won't care about the poorly built world any more.
- Novice attempts at creating any sort of consequential actions or decisions.
- Animation is poor, tonnes of repeated scenes, zoomed in faces, clunky movements
- Sound is boring and uninspired. It's a genuinely lifeless experience.
- The main cast serves zero purpose, they are either heavily under-utilized or shoehorned in for a monotonous gag scene.
- A multitude of gag characters which ruin any immersion.
- Disgusting Blank Slating at the end of the season rendering the "plot developments" of entire season void.
- 2 pointless comedic relief episodes in between.

Once finishing this season you will come to the realization that the show has nothing left to offer.

The first half of the season while glaringly bad was actually watchable, the second half, however was a total disaster, everything fell apart.

If you persevere, enduring the hardship long enough to reach episode 12, at the end of the tunnel is a dead end. A horrendous climax which just spits in your face. Episode 12 tells you in the most brazen manner that your decision to watch this show was but a fools errand.

I don't think there's a way to redeem this show with a successive season.
I thought the first season was mediocre but even in that state, I took the series to second season. This time I've learned my lesson, I have banished the thought of even entertaining a 3rd season.

Doing about 15 minutes of research from other reviews and comments, they have messed with the timeline of events, confusing those who have read the source.
As you can see I don't have much of an idea how this fares as an adaptation as I have no desire to see the source of this.

Here are the ratings.

Animation 3/10
Sound 4/10
Story 2/10
Characters 2/10
Enjoyment 1/10

12/50 - 2.4/10 - Complete and Utter Garbage.

This most likely will conclude any further interest of more than 80% of the viewers of this second season. I certainly will not be watching a 3rd season, If you are coming hot from season 1, Please!, end your journey prematurely, don't be like me.

Hope this helps.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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