
Mashle (Anime) add (All reviews)
Jan 22, 2024
Hey folks, this will be my review for Mashle. It's pretty good.

The story revolves around a guy named Mash who cant do magic. This is a problem because magic is everything in this society. So much so that those who are not marked(cant do magic) are killed. One day Mash is discovered and given a choice, either run and be hunted for his entire life, or attend a magic school and become a Divine Visionary. Divine Visionary's are like the leaders of the magical world and can change how society functions.

I think the story starts off really well, it has plenty of comedy and you still don't have a grasp on Mash yet so its fun to see how he handles situations. Unfortunately I found the later episodes began to drag. This show is a shonen so we inevitably have all the annoying shonen tropes like battles taking entire episodes because during the fight we need to view a characters entire moral compass and hear their tragic backstory which excuses their blatant evil schemes and flawed logic. I knocked a few points off for that because Mash is beyond overpowered. There is no build up in this show where we see him lose, or tense moments where we wonder what is the cap to his power. We only see him refuse to take action...or win handily. This makes the final few fights really drag, that's also excluding the handful of side characters who insist on taking the stage and dragging things out further.

The show does so much well though that I think if this is your thing you should give it a try. The setting and world seems to be its own thing but there are clear spoofs of Harry Potter sprinkled throughout, along with a few other bits of media. The art is great, the fight scenes are well animated, the emotions evident on peoples faces, and even the moment to moment shots are great. The battle music stands out, though its not normally my type of music it always pumps up a fight scene. The characters are fun and Mash is great. He is over powered but he is an idiot so it kinda balances things out. The morality stuff isn't crammed down our throats, and Mash is good enough to simply have his opinion and fight for what he believes is right without dragging us into the mix. It's all interesting topics too, like how we look at one another as humans, and rank ourselves in a society. Still you cant completely ignore all of that and enjoy the experience which I appreciate. I'm really looking forward to the second season. We are teased with some new problems that I am interested to see how Mash and gang overcome. If you like any of these themes, or the description sounds appealing I think you should give this show a shot.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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