This show tells the story of a young ninja who wants to be a Hokage. He relies on elemental attacks and ninjutsu. This is probably the kind of story you already know.
But it doesn’t match the benchmark of Naruto. It is not as diverse or complicated. Plus, it's not even finished. The show fails to generate sufficient tension as it lacks seriousness. For instance, the main character belongs to history and is moved to the present-day. This generates a sense of bewilderment.
The show only lasts for 42 episodes. But that is not enough time to care about the characters or the story. The show was stretched too thin by all the characters. They cannot be properly developed within the given time. The show focuses too much on fights or training. This leaves little room for character development. The characters become one-dimensional.
All the characters are alike. They are trained, fight and make enemies into friends and start the whole process over again but with tougher adversaries. Nothing is solved when the show ends. It leaves you feeling disappointed.
The show was not so good in the first place. Now it seems even more horrible due to the antiquated style of animation. Music and character designs are rather bland. It is also interesting to note that Studio Pierrot, the same studio which has made Naruto, developed this show.
At the same time, there were better shows such as Dragon Ball and Hunter X Hunter on TV. The show was later cancelled before it could be wrapped up. It was like Yu Yu Hakusho, which ended up in the same way. Flame of Recca is basic and common. Naruto is a better choice.
The show simply recycles old ideas without bringing anything new to the table. Watch it if you are curious as to how straightforward the genre can be. If you want to find out what happens at the end of this story, then read the manga.