Don't listen to all the raving reviews. Dr. Stone is just a standard shonen with all the overused anime tropes I fucking hate. The first couple of episodes were promising; the prospect of two characters needing to use science to figure out what happened to the world and rebuild humanity was VERY intriguing, however when Tsukasa (the main antagonist) was introduced, all that went out the window. Dr. Stone unfortunately quickly devolves into a cliché shonen battle series with Senku's Kingdom of Science opposing Tsukasa's Empire of Might, and the rest of the show is focused on building up the aforementioned "Kingdom of Science" to eventually fight Tsukasa.
I tried to push on hoping things would get better, but I finally had enough halfway through and dropped this show after one character simply tossing another some glasses so they can see was treated as this HUGE moment, complete with characters gasping in surprise, overdramatic screaming from a moe-bait loli ("TAKE THE EYES OF SCIENCE!!!!!"), and I shit you not, after putting the glasses on, the character poses dramatically and there's an explosion behind him. Seeing this, I realized the show was never going to satisfyingly deliver on it's initial premise. It's too focused on delivering dopamine to folks that think characters yelling the word "science" every few seconds makes the show very highbrow.
The reviews here will make you think Dr. Stone is the best thing ever, and if you don't agree, "you just don't get it. It must be too scientific for you". At the end of the day this is a generic shonen complete with all the usual bad humor and catchphrases repeated ad-nauseum, obnoxiously loud one-dimensional characters only known for their one quirky trait, and overhyping simple moments to trick casual viewers into thinking what they're watching has anything of value, with an admittedly unique coat of post-apocalyptic civilization building paint that is not expanded on and quickly dropped for a dumb good guys vs. bad guys plot.