This Shonen has so much wasted potential. From the world and characters to the abilities and enemies it has everything it could need to have a successful Shonen but it fails in the writing department in every aspect. It feels like I'm watching a rip off verison of Bleach/jujutsu kaisen. The problem is that evertime it gets interesting or a build up to a cool fight it let's you down without fail. The pacing of the story feels off, most likely do to the poor writing and ability to explain anything. The worst part is the main character, sometimes he's strong and fights like a demon which is cool but he only does that to enemies that mean nothing, every time he is in a fight that matters he loses and needs to be saved. That wouldn't be bad if he could grow stronger from it, but every time you think he has he gets beat again, man can't get a W. I won't spoil anything but man you go the whole story going for a certain goal only for him to change his mind as if it's some kind of character growth, it ain't growth man just learned he can't fight and he's useless.
This is my first anime review, I jad to leave one for how disappointing this anime is to me. I want it to be good I really do but in the end it's just mid.