First of all, let me get the most important part out of this: Machi is best girl. She's better than anybody else on that show. She's like 10 or 11 acts much older than that and more mature than Kuga. Thank God Fumio has her. I don't know what's going on with him, but they may want to get it addressed. He was especially neglected in the show. Getting 3 to 4 words to repeat after Machi says something just really pretty sad. I know this is an anime that has 12 episodes, but as a parent, that screams out trouble to me. Just a me thing.
This is such a terribly watered down romcom. Kuga is your typical idiot MC. He's a painful thing to watch. He has absolutely no guts and no courage (and even as far as the last episode) he was too nervous or too afraid to still do normal couple things like holding hands. It's like Tonikawa, but weaker.
Side note: what the hell was the point of making it obvious that Kuga wasn't interested in Goshki (3) and then the next episode (4) he's head over heels with her. It was a terrible way to switch that so it would push the plot forward.
I can't recommend this. It was a painful thing to get through and my desire to not drop it won out.