GOD, I could go on for HOURS about this... adaptation? Spin-off? Honestly, it almost feels like an addendum or collection of footnotes considering how closely it follows the original story (for its first half). Oh, what this manga could have been if Shihira had a chance to finish it off. Or -- hell -- rewrite the original story in full! If he had a chance to use his FULL CREATIVE CONTROL. A TRUE VISIONARY. Instead, it got brutally axed around the midpoint and left a lot to be desired. Despite that, its a must-read for Frau fans.
"Revival Legacy" is more than just a retelling from Kona's perspective, though that is how a great majority of its chapters pan out. "Legacy" is a reimagining of "Robotics;Notes" with Kona as a member of the main cast much earlier on and a recharacterized Kai (the competitive, adrenaline-hungry gamer gets brought out a lot more). "Legacy" also features a recharacterized main villain. In the main story, they've always been cheesy regarding their motives, but the game-centric reasoning they give here feels more appropriate and builds them up as Kai's foil.
So much cut content... So. Much. It's painful to see what this manga could have been. Too bad only a niche few of us care enough about Frau to see an entire retelling based around her. Shihira's a good writer. Good concepts here. In my heart, it's a 10.
May 28, 2023
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