decided to pick up this manga since it looked cute and a fun read. After reading all of volume 1. not really liking it as much as I would've.
It feels like there is no real story going on, not that it needs one. But that could've made it more interesting. Besides that.
The world building is fine, I don't think I've read enough to say much on it, but it has charm to it. The characters are likeable. they can be a bit flat at times though.
But the main issue the the pace. It's fast and I usally don't even notice pacing issues. It feels rushed with how fast the story is going. It feels like in vol 1 they are already half way through the story they set up.
It just feel like this book would be more fun if it went deeper into the characters, world, and story. Maybe it wouldn't feel as fast pace.
But it's a recommendation to read if you don't mind the pace. Who knows maybe it gets better in vol 2 about these issues.