May 7, 2023
To be honest, when I at first read the summary of this Anime and heard from classmates who had watched it what this show was about, I was sceptical to say the least. Junior High School coupled with a octopus teacher that they have to kill sounds at first, and admittedly also the second and third time, a little bit weird. What I wasn't prepared for though was the heart behind it all and the way this show managed to straddle the line between Slice of Life, School and Shounen as well as it did. Whilst the focus lays most of the time on Nagisa and Karma, none of the other students are irrelevant and each one of them has his or her little moment where they shine and before you even know it, the entire class feels like your own. There's such a homely vibe to it all whilst watching the episodes and whilst it might not be as packed with action like some other shows within the Shounen genre, you can enjoy and chill whilst watching this Anime, lean back and just take a breath from your life for a while. That's at least the feeling that I had whilst watching this show.
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