Isekai de Cheat Skill is an anime that betrays its own ideology. Someone who is extremely bullied suddenly gets handsome and maintains his kind demeanor. If this series really wanted to showcase that appearance is secondary to individual values and beliefs then the show should have kept the MC 's appearance as he was at the beginning of episode 1.
To Be given the opportunity to enroll in this new school, as he was in the beginning of episode one. Instead we get a harem and the most shallow troupes such as falling on love at first sight, or falling on love after being saved, or falling in love after spending an hour on a photoshoot. It baffles me at how unrealistic and insulting this show to people with actual physical conditions.
Its an anime that unintentionally or intentionally supports the idea that beauty is what matters most. Even the artstyle tries to make everything and every character look pretty. I would have loved to see Yuuya as his old self get accepted to this school and slowly gain self confidence. I understand this is for entertainment but it could have been so much more and that's why I'm so disappointed