The pacing was off at times, the ending was shitty but realistic which just means our reality is shitty. The MC saki got dumber the more older she got and a selfish bitch especially in the last in the ending episodes. Those calling it a masterpieces are clearly overexaggerating just because others dropped it.
But it was good storytelling that kept me invested for 25 episodes. Im being generous with a 6/10.
But it really depends from people to people. I rate this as mid doesn't mean it could be same as you beacuse the way we see the ending can be controversial.
The artstyle was fitting for the plot but the animations had many noticeable flaws but its still beautiful even with its flaws. A-1 pictures did what they could.
Like i already mentioned the pacing was off in the anime bit its probably only an anime adaptation problem and it does not affect the overall story. The novel would've been much better in terms of storytelling.
I think you will enjoy the series because of the world building and the moral lesson learnt which you will pick on the last episode. Its about what it means to be human (without spoiling much).