
Mar 14, 2023
Preliminary (7/71 chp)
It's the reverse of "Interspecies Reviewers", with an isekai bent. There's no reason this couldn't have been done well, but based on the first volume, the story is too thin and fast-paced. You would be better off with a full-blown hentai with a similar setting. Especially since Yuzuki doesn't even engage in intercourse, since in her home town sex work was legal as long as no penetration occurred.

The only way Yuzuki seems to know how to interact with men is through sex, especially if she needs them for her to-do list. She just runs up to random men and asks if they want to sleep with her, even potentially dangerous creatures like the Dark Lord and a "Demon Beast". If it's got a penis, she just throws herself at it. And of course for plot reasons this never puts her in any real danger. Apparently she's so good at the art of not fucking that every man she sleeps with turns into a full blown simp after one encounter, giving her rare and valuable artifacts on top of the service fee for the brothel she works at. The only potential exception is the mage that apparently summoned her to this world (no explanation on the why), who trades information (and likely more) in exchange to have not sex with her. Though they do this irritating gag where Yuzuki has been age regressed to 10, she summons the mage for help, he helps her, and then she offers to service him like usual, of course everyone around gives him a death stare and he has to quickly insist he's not a pdf and run away. Everyone in that room knew damn well Yuzuki is actually 20, and they have no reason to think the mage has every age-regressed her in the past. The only other side characters so far are a couple of actual prostitutes, but we see very little interaction with them, and yet I'd say they're even better characters than Yuzuki.

The only real quality to this series is the art. It's nothing super impressive, but it does save the series from a lower score.

Honestly, I'm not sure why this has so many positive ratings. It basically is a hentai, but lacking the parts that makes a real hentai good. You couldn't read this in public as there's far too much exposed tits and ass. And if you're already in private, you may as well go all the way since the story isn't really there, to the point you will find better writing with more action.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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