
Air (Anime) add (All reviews)
Nov 11, 2011
Mixed Feelings
Okay, I decided to write this review because, from what I've seen, most of them speak of how great this anime is and how much they loved it, and I just thought I'd share another perspective.
It didn't start all that badly with the main character Yukito. He was funny and really likable (not to mention cute), and I found myself laughing out loud with him and that puppet of his. He is the reason why I give the anime a 6 and not a 4.
However, I found the other characters really uninteresting, and the plot revolving round them was extremely eye-roll inducing, at least for me. Once the problem was revealed, it was ridiculously easy to predict the rest of the plot.
One story I thought was actually pretty neat was the Feudal Japan one. That is probably because it spent less time trying to induce you to start crying and more time being entertaining (not saying there aren't supposedly tear-jerker moments in it). All of the 3 characters were much more likable, including the princess/winged girl a.k.a Misuzu's past incarnation. She seemed to be a much stronger girl than meek Misuzu - which, despite what anyone says, I mostly pitied, and I don't think that should be the main emotion you feel towards the driving character of a series. I mean, sure, you can feel sorry for her position, but she should fight back and stay strong and whatnot, right? At least, that's the kind of character I root for.
It went downhill fast when *SPOILER* Yukito turned into a crow. How could they do that to the best character in the anime?! Sigh.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a really dramatic anime with burdened, fragile girls, this is for you. However, I won't be going round advertising this one for anyone else.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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