This is a special series. It's the quintessential teenage manga, written by a mangaka with an innate belief in the world and the people around him. There is no pretension here, the mangaka regularly chiming in to talk about his own experiences, the fighting breakdowns having the same feel as advice from a close friend who just genuinely wants you to be safe and happy. It's himbo fight club, all the characters wanting to genuinely improve themselves and find the things they can't put into words. It's earnest, it's simple, it's stupid. And I do mean that, it is very stupid at times, but that's part of the charm. It keeps everything grounded and fairly small, the entire series a constant through line of the main character's journey of self discovery. There are parts where the title is said as a revelation, and they land. There are parts where you can feel the author maneuvering things, and they land. This manga is much like the protagonist, here to clobber you with his earnestness till it becomes a favorite.
I've never read something that is simultaneously a 5/10 and a 10/10. You just find yourself rooting for the mangaka to keep going. It's near impossible to hate this manga even with all its flaws visible because it's honest about them. All I can say is if you're looking for earnestness and positivity, take a trip to the Holyland. For surely, Yuu is waiting there.