
Oct 26, 2022
Dai's Dragon Quest starts as your typical shounen show, with a young hero, a dumb character, and a shallow pretty girl. This show does not offer anything different than typical shounen, but its characters are incredibly lovable and easy to get attached to. This is what makes the show suitable, with so many episodes you are able to root for these characters and as time goes on this show just gets better. There are fights that seem kind of silly in the short run but as they have time to explain you understand why these fights matter, they show why you should really care for the characters. I ended up loving every character without a doubt; these characters which I saw as boring, mundane enemies to fight off were able to be flipped around and changed into the best characters in the entire show. To be truthful the show's characters completely carry it and without these characters, the show would be just another boring shounen in the sea of the rest. Overall: 8/10
Story: 6/10
Writing: 7/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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