Out is a beautiful manga that focuses on the gritty and violent parts of delinquency. Our main character, Iguchi Tatsuya was just released from juvie and is sent away from Tokyo to the western part of Chiba. In Tokyo, he had a reputation and was seen as a strong individual.
There is more to the story than that but it would be a massive spoiler.
Art: 10/10
Makoto Mizuta’s artwork is nothing less than outstanding. Every panel has blood, sweat, tears and passion poured into it. He perfectly knows how to portray facial expressions and you could probably tell what the situation is just from seeing the panel. The use of shading is exceptional with the key panels being almost fully shaded which blacks out the environment around it focusing you on the moments.
The layout of the panels is unique as well with columned double-page spreads being displayed every so often which I thought was a cool touch.
Plot: 7/10
The plot is pretty simple and it's been done thousands of times but the execution of this plot is where it really shines.
Characters: 9/10
The Characters are well developed and our main character, Iguchi Tatsuya, undergoes the most growth I've ever seen in a character where is entire personality is slightly altered with every incident of the manga.
Side Note:
The main flaw you see in this manga is the lack of the main character during long arcs but it isn't really a big problem for me and it shouldn't be for you either
In summary its pretty good so read it.
Aug 7, 2022
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