Honestly, from of the horrible trainwrecks of Idea Factory's early output this one is the most serviceable. It's still quite ugly and cheaply put together, wasting time with pointless stills and recaps, but at the very least, it's a decent prologue story for the game it's meant to promote.
It's quite true that the longer I watch these OVAs, the less I feel like checking out Idea Factory's games from this era is a good idea. The Neverland setting, shared between Spectral Force and Generation of Chaos games, seems bland and populated by mostly kitsch and unappealing characters. Stories are extremely important for my enjoyment of RPGs, and if there's one thing I took from these anime tie-ins is that they must be crap. This OVA though, even if by a small margin, is an exception. It's focused on setting up a high stakes conflict, a few lead characters I don't hate and a goal they'll be clearly pursuing in the game. It's not a great experience, but a solid piece of advertisement – kudos for Satou Yoshiteru for not f**** up that part for once. As for watching it... Well, if you're morbidly curious?