The first episode has an absurd amount of information to absorb and they don't tone it down. This show definitely takes patience to sit through. But each subsequent episode slowly breaks down all the confusing stuff in episode one, so you won't be completely overwhelmed.
The main female lead: Tu Li, is awesome. If this was a game, I definitely main her. She isn't weak, has an ambitious personality, and all around skilled. The male lead feels a bit of a Mary Sue, but this season barely reveals anything about him, so i will reserve my opinion.
I would say the elder dynamic is very interesting. It's a typical story writing to have rival families fight amongst each other in these Chinese anime, but it never gets old. I am definitely on team Elder Feng if you know what I mean!
The visuals are honestly stunning and I am pretty sure most people watched the series because of it. Everything is gorgeous and is probably what kept me going despite the confusing story. Man, why I can't I be as pretty as the people in this show?