-Absolutely excellent opening and closing songs: "Inferno" by Mrs. Green Apple and "Veil" by Keina Suda.
-There is a main female character that isn't just written off as fan service or severely lackluster. Muscle Witch concept goes hard.
-Everything feels more or less generic in an unimaginative manner.
-Dialogue often reads as unnatural or dumbed-down.
-Character development is almost non-existent. The show went as far as sacrificing a character's development in order to just maintain them as the designated fan service.
-Humor is spliced in a manner so poor that it actually detracts from any tension the show tries to build up.
-The magic system in this fantasy tries to be rooted in science, but ends up stretching itself too thin.
-If you are a fan of generic Shonen, then you'll probably find no fault in this show.
-The fight scenes are okay enough to pass some time.