
Feb 26, 2022
Preliminary (72/88 chp)
Gleipnir is a really good manga. It is honestly the most underrated manga I have read. Amidst all of the internet arguments over it being "borderline-hentai" what has been lost is the fact that it has an intriguing mystery, solid characters, and great art. Most of the reviews that have been made about Gleipnir haven't been made with the perspective of where the story is now, 72 chapters in, so I felt like I should write my very first review about it. I'm not going to get into specific details about many elements, but I highly recommend more people read this manga.

Story: 8
Yes, Gleipnir is weird. It is very weird. But that is a part of what makes it great. Its strangeness sets it apart from other stories. And, while at first certain elements seem designed only for fan service, as the story progresses you learn that they have thematic significance. Of course I'm not trying to say that Gleipnir is an incredibly deep story on the level of Vagabond or Berserk, but it has more substance than most people give it credit for. For me, the mystery is the best aspect of the story. I was compelled by every twist and development in the plot and was impressed by how much deeper the mystery went than I originally thought it would. Another great aspect of the story is seeing how each characters' desires and self-image shape the way their abilities manifest. This plot device makes the powers in the story very unique and engaging and furthers the depth of its characters. Lastly, to address the "borderline-hentai" claims. Yes, Gleipnir has nudity. Yes, it is used for fan service. No, it is not unnecessary. As the story progresses it becomes clear that the author didn't choose to include this element simply to attract 13 year old boys and that from a story telling perspective the nude scenes involving certain characters forces them to be vulnerable and intimate. This is one of the main driving themes of the story and the relationship between the two main characters. This element of the writing isn't trashy or distasteful, it is intentional and important to the development of the characters. Ultimately, the story is very good.

Art: 9
There's not too much to say about the art other than it's great. The overall style is pretty simple but looks good nonetheless. The character designs are unique and cool, the action is exciting and flows well, and the author can put together an incredible spread when the moment calls for it.

Character: 8
Gleipnir has really good characters and character development. Yes, the protagonist starts out pretty standard but has a uniqueness and realness to his character than makes his development over the story quite compelling. Claire, the female lead, may at first appear to just be yandere fan service but also has good development herself. The interactions between all of the characters are unique and enjoyable to read as well. The side characters and the antagonists are well written. Once their backstories are revealed they only get more tragic and more compelling. In spite of the exaggerated nature of some characters, there is a realness to many of their struggles that makes them compelling to the reader. So while the characters at first may seem strange or simple, as the story progresses they achieve a good level of depth and intricacy thanks to solid character writing.

Enjoyment: 9
I have enjoyed every chapter of Gleipnir thus far. It's a great ride and I'm glad I stumbled upon this manga.

Overall: 8
Gleipnir is a strong 8/10 manga. Its average rating on MAL should honestly be at least 0.7 higher. Definitely give it a try if you want to uncover an underrated gem.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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