Jan 13, 2022
It's a really addicting show. I have never watched any anime shows about gangster or gang wars or about delinquents, but this show takes the cake for being interesting. Yeah ofc it's not realistic and it's overrated but its anime y'know? So I can scratch that off. The characters are pretty good but I felt they could've made the MC's character have more depth to him. But the main thing about this show is it's addicting. It's addicting to watch because every episode ended on a cliffhanger that made you starving for more! What happens next? How will this conflict end up? What will happen to that person? It successfully drives the audience to keep on wanting more! Sounds design was nice to the ears with every kick and punch felt like they were very "anime". The show has a good way of balancing both the fights scenes and the story. It's able to pump out cool and nice looking fight scenes while also keeping the art style the same. But what really drives this show is the story, I would not ever keep watching this if it didn't have a very good story to carry it. By the fourth episode I was hooked that this wasn't just going to be some niche Erased type of crap but with gangsters. It was a deeper story, one with many mysteries and unsolved things. One where the feeling of friendship, love, and brotherhood was really showcased and felt. It's a very good show and I highly recommend watching it. Although I will say one thing... The opening sucks and isn't fitting for an anime opening WAY BETTER FOR AN ENDING GOSH DANGIT CHANGE IT but yeah that's it. pretty good show 8.5/10
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