
Dec 30, 2021
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (4/11 eps)
This review contains spoilers for Mugen Train so beware (Even though I have no idea why you are looking at reviews for Season 2 when you haven't watched Mugen Train).

Demon Slayer is the most clean cut and mesmerizing average story ever told. The plot is some of the most generic I've ever seen in a shonen but WaiT gUYys. Wh=Hwhat AbOuT thE a NimAtion???111!. I feel a lot of people are blinded from DS's boring ass plot because of Ufotable's eye candy level animation. They just make anything look good. You can have the most meaningless and pointless scene and Ufotable will make it seem like a cinematic masterpiece. That's kind of been my experience with Demon Slayer. It's the most beautiful 6/10 show I've ever witnessed.

Story: 5

People with katanas killing demons. Yep. that's it. You think its most fleshed out than that? Nope, it isn't. It's literally just people with katanas going around and decapitating demons. I can name like 10 anime off the top of my head that has done this before. You could wake me from a hangover and I could still name you like 4. Once you take off the rose colored lenses that Ufotable gives you when watching this, you'll come to realize this show is just another boiled down every day generic shonen who just happened to hit the lottery in the animation department. A story about a young boy wanting to avenge his family by becoming stronger/the strongest, sound familiar? Yes, its literally every fucking shonen ever made. It bothers me just how much people's perception of a story can change from the animation when it has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Art: 9

ufotable easily stands as one of the best animation studios ever made and it has the ability to make even the most basic shows seem like masterpieces.

Sound: 8

Really like the soundtracks they use. The OSTs, OPs and Endings are all fantastic.

Characters: 6

Tanjiro is every shonen mc ever made. Zenitsu is every wimpy shonen side character ever made. I forgot the hog dude's name. The only redeeming characters are the Hashiras, some of them are pretty cool. The one thing I will give the show is the designs for the characters are very unique and a lot of them look stunning. Most of the Hashiras have more drip than any character I've ever seen in an anime and they look fantastic. Too bad most of them are underdeveloped and have a trend of showing up for a single arc and bailing. Why do they keep giving us the 3 stooges that is Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Hog Man and not cooler characters like the Hashira and the Upper Ranks. I wouldn't give a single shit if any of them died and thats not something your audience should be feeling for your show's main cast. Just another attempt at carbon copying a shonen mc and slapping a new character design on him and saying he's new.

Enjoyment: 5

I just don't have any emotional attachment to the show. Nothing is heart wrenching cause anything that does happen that's sad in the show, happens to an undeveloped and lazy character that no one cares about. I'm sorry but Rengoku's death wasn't sad in the slightest. His character arc and development lasted a good 2 hours and he was in and out in single arc. By the time they even started to really develop him from a dumb aloof character to a determined warrior, they put a hole through his stomach and he was gone. I wouldn't imagine if this manga follows that exact same formula for flamboyant boy that's up next. The Red Light District isn't attracting me anymore than S1 and Mugen Train did, just more generic shonen shit that seems meaningful because ufotable allows it to. Looks like they finally caved in and started to show some fan service popping out some tits though, so that's good I guess (not really).

Overall: 6

If it wasn't for ufotable this show would be nonexistent and no one would give a fuck about it, change my mind. (don't actually, I won't care.)
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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