Synopsis: Known for her resemblance to the character Sadako from The Ring series, Sawako Kuronuma is nicknamed "Sadako" and is misunderstood for being scary and mischievous like her fictional counterpart, despite having a shy and sweet nature. Wishing to make friends and live a normal life, Sawako is naturally drawn to the cheerful and friendly Shouta Kazehaya, the most popular boy in her class. From their very first meeting, Sawako has admired Kazehaya's ability to be the center of attention and aspires to be like him.
When Kazehaya organizes a courage test for the entire class and encourages her to attend, Sawako sees it as an opportunity to get along with her classmates, starting with Ayane Yano and Chizuru Yoshida. Through each new encounter and emotion she experiences, Sawako believes that meeting Kazehaya has changed her for the better. Little does Sawako know, his presence has also changed Kazehaya.
My review: The anime is just wonderful, but at the same time it's incredibly bad. Because it is bad? due to the extreme difficulty involved in developing the novel, this is what irritates me so much about this work, other than that the anime is perfect, the colors, the characters, the soundtrack, everything. best romance anime.
Dec 9, 2021
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