Tokyo Revengers is the tale of a young man past his prime who is given an opportuniy to go back into time to save a former classmate from dying in the present day because of gang warfare. The only problem with this is that the MC is not some badass delinquent, but rather a wimpy, below-average person who is pretty much incapable of performing extreme acts of violence.
The strength of Tokyo Revengers comes from the interest and investment you grow to have for the characters of the show. While not everyone is an amazing character, the important thing is that you can tell pretty quickly that thought and care has been put into bringing these characters to life. As the show goes on, you may find yourself getting invested into what is going to happen to any one of these characters because of the importance this show has placed on not only the people within the world, but their connection to everyone else as well.
I wil point this out for those who are thinking of watching this series: This is not a power fantasy, and whether you follow through on finishing the season may come down to whether you like/tolerate the MC. I point this out because as I mentioned in the first paragragh, the MC is not some badass and watching him trying to navigate the life of a gang as the weakest character (both mentally and physically) can be one of the most hair-pullingly frustrating things to do. I will say this; this move was intentional, so if that helps alleviate some of the nonsense, then so be it.
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