Nov 1, 2021
Ah, My Hero Academia. Depending on what year you asked someone you'd get varying answers of how good this show is. If you asked someone in 2017 about MHA, they would tell you it's one of the best shows out. If you ask in 2021, they will tell you it's mid garbage. Why is this? Well, many theories come to my mind. The first one is pretty simple, it got popular. People don't like it when a show becomes more popular than their favorite show or a show they prefer over it. So what do they do? Shit on it till it becomes "mid." Every anime that shoots up in popularity eventually has a "mid" phase to cancel out it's success because we all know success is something no one can have anymore in 2021. So now MHA is in a much more sorry state than it was in 2017-2018 when it was booming. Now with the question, is it because My Hero actually got worse or are people just sheep and like to have the mainstream opinions just to fit in? That's an answer for you to decide. People only started hating My Hero when it became a trend to. And now any content the show pulls out is neglected as a cash grab and pointless. It's quite pathetic tbh. Because imo, My Hero is and has been the best new gen show since 2017 and nothing as come close to it. Now in 2021, that kind of opinion would send you to the looney house and it's difficult to express it. My Hero has constantly pumped out quality content and has flowed its story for over 100 episodes without many hiccups. Bone's adaptation of the manga is amazing and one of the few shows where you can say both the manga and anime are high quality. And the movies they put out have god tier animation which can entertain anyone. It's just hard to ignore My Hero's success and it's almost objectively the best new gen simply from sales. World Heroes' Mission doesn't take the back seat either and delivers eye candy that will have you on the edge of your seat for hours. The story was fine but it's a filler movie so I didn't expect it to be a Steven King novel anyways. The other reviews here are stabbing its story and idk what they expected from a filler movie. The cast is the same as they've always been and the villain has a super cool power. Overall, this movie did what it was supposed to do, entertain. As to why people expected the next Dune level of writing I'll never understand but hey, sheep will be sheep eh? I hope to see My Hero gain back the respect it deserves but as of now, its bound to the fate of being a successful show, a mass of haters.
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