I'll make this quick since I tend to ramble
this is probably the most average season of MHA so far. But it also contains my favourite episode of MHA so war.
The first arc is very, very average. What should have been 3/4 episodes was dragged out to over double that. The work study arc that succeeded it was also rife with filler and padding.
But after all that meh. All that averageness. All that boredom. We got to the good stuff. The light at the end of the tunnel. And boy was there some truly crackin' good shit at the end of that tunnel. I ain't gonna spoil anything, but that final arc is well worth the watch. Speed through the previous arcs on 2x speed if you have to.
Overall this season is a mixed bag. Not nearly as bad as all the overhyped manbaby MAL users are making it out to be, but you get the point.
But hell, the show's finished. Why listen to me? Why not jump right in and see for yourself? Then you have my permission to go and whine on my profile.