10/10 manga with a 10/10 anime adaptation. Masterpiece even after waiting for hiatus to end. One of the only mangas and anime to make me cry out laughing. Love this manga so much.
It's one of those mangas that is just such a good read that you could easily binge it all in a short period of time. The story is just a nice slice of life comedy which has some wholesome and small emotional bits. The art looks beautiful and adds so much to the comedic aspect when the illustrator draws the characters' expressions. The characters are all unique and you can relate to at least one of them and their interests. They all increase the comedy and story aspect of the manga. Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed it and even in a boring atmosphere it would just lighten up my mood and get me cry out laughing. Overall 10/10 manga.
Anyways to the main point of this review, Azusa Hamaoka is best girl.