School Days is an infamous anime, which usually get a lot of hate. However, this show (unlike others hated anime, like Pupa or Hametsu no Mars) has a lot of fans. It's not my intention to convince people that this anime is objectively bad, and I have nothing against its fans. In this review, I just want to explain where I think that School Days failed not only as a deconstruction, but also as a piece of media.
Story: 4/10
The first half of the story is nothing more than your typical love triangle, but it's solid. However, the second half is terrible. Honestly, I can't understand if School Days took itself too seriously, or it was never intended to be serious. The second half of the story is that edgy, that it was impossible for me to take it seriously. The ending is satisfaying, but (I'm not spoiling) the way nobody of the characters cared about what happened in the end was really unrealistic. The yacht scene in the last episode was so absurd that I couldn't stop laughing.
Another problem that I have with this anime is that it flips into a completely different genre. It will be way better if School Days tried to be a typical but a good developed and realistic love triangle, than a bad, unrealistic and laughable deconstruction of a different genre.
Art: 3/10
The art style is mediocre, but the directorial choises and the animation are simply appaling. This show has the highest amount of weird camera angles I've ever seen. Also, it's understandable that this show had a really low budget, but it didn't even try to look decent. Look at the backgrounds in the first episode: when I first watched it, I felt like this anime tried to look awful.
Sound: 7/10
Probably the only thing I liked in this anime. The japanese dub and the OSTs are fine and the OP and the EDs are really catchy.
Characters: 4/10
The only good characters in this anime are Kotonoha and Sekai. Makoto is considered by many School Days fans a really good developed character, but I disagree. He's realistic and had a little development, however he's never fully explored and he's pretty bland. I feel like he's remembered by anime community only because of his actions, to be honest. However, my biggest is issue with School Days are the supporting characters, especially the female cast. They all have litterally the same development, the same characterization and they act in the same way. It's absolutely not realistic.
Enjoymenr: 3/10
The first half of the story is fine but really, really boring. The second half is still boring and it's also a lot worse in terms of story and characterization, but it's that absurd and unrealistic that it became somehow funny.
Overall: 4/10
School Days is a really boring and a too edgy and unrealistic show, IMHO. The idea of a deconstruction was pretty cool, but it was really poorly executed. Maybe the original VN is better.