I wish it had a good animation. I would have given it a 9/10
It's literally one of the few anime to use ecchi in it and yet spark the joy and thrill in me while watching a fight. I'd find myself cheering on for the characters. It really reminded me of my weeb days when I started out watching Naruto...
The comedy was great but.. I just came after finishing the last episode and.. I'm seriously heart broken right now..
But, here's the review nonetheless cuz this anime deserves it.
I'm gonna get off with the bad part tho:
Animation: 3/10
I've seen worse, but this is nearly appalling... Tsugumomo does not deserve this low level of animation, that too in 2020 where there are better animations in much worse series... I hope that whenever a new season comes, which is unlikely for a few years at this point, they either change studios or hire better people..
But anyways, i got my hands on the BluRay version so that was a nice catch iykwim :smirk:
Story: 9/10
The author is great in what he does. All the connections make sense and it makes it hard for me to sense the plot armor. I love how every character DOES have a reasonable motive .Especially the Mayoiga arc, that was a genius arc imo cuz both sides had strong reasons and neither were correct. And.. yea, I'm heartbroken rn... I just came straight here after finishing the season, as I said..
Characters: 9/10
The characters are just lovable. Each one of them has a personality that seems generic at first but is the funny type of generic (Like Osamusa, that dude is my fav even tho he looked like the most generic dude out there)
Fine, the mc is a beta male but he's giving it his best now and he's a really good character personality wise too.
Kiriha... 🥺🥺She's an angel but.. AGHH whatever! I won't spoil it! She's an angel and one of my fav characters thus far, and the voice actor is my fav too.
Kukuri chan 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺AGHH SHE'S AN ANGEL TOO
Sunao san 🥺- No she's just fine.
And... that about does it.. for me, I don't remember the other character's names tee hee.
Enjoyment: 10/10
I have not binged an anime since forever. Yes, I have a life, okay? Shocker.
But, yea, I was forced to put that life away and spend the whole night to finish this. The jokes make me laugh out loud, the sad scenes make me cry, the fights get me all hyped up. It's very enjoyable.
Sound: 7/10
I liked the opening of the first season, but this is very fun too. I didn't skip it throughout the season except for the last CUZ THINGS WERE JUST TOO FIRE I COULDN'T WAIT >_<
Skipped the ending. And, no special sounds tbh, pretty generic and the only songs I find myself singing/humming to are both of the openings of this series.
Overall: 8/10
It's the animation.. I would've gladly given it a 9, or maybe even 10 if it weren't fast paced and kept honest to the manga. But I've heard just rn that the studio this was made by was their first attempt at making an anime. And, well, that's a job well done in that case. But, they must improve. They can't keep doing the anime injustice and make it feel like an anime from the 2000s...
And, I recommend it to anyone who can bear with the ecchi, or, like me LIKES the ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Either way, a very enjoyable anime, I might start reading the manga now..