Diamond is Unbreakable is a slice of life anime disguising itself as a Shonen action series. Sure, there is a fight nearly every single episode and action is one of the central parts of the anime, but the slice of life feel that comes out through the characters, story structure, setting, and overall atmosphere of the show makes part 4 very unique and much more interesting compared to other parts. And while it does not exactly contain the tropes common in many slice of life shows, the experience of part 4 ties intense action and goofy teenage antics in such a way that the show (at least to me) becomes an amazing and addictive experience.
Story: 8/10
As I said earlier, the plot structure of part 4 very closely resembles the plot structure of a slice of life anime. Most episodes are broken up into sets of three or four that tell their own self contained story with their own villain. The only time the show begins to establish a large overarching plot is with the introduction of the main villain around two-thirds through the series. And the story being broken down into these chunks actually plays to the advantage of the anime, as each part can tell their own unique and creative stories without being limited by an overarching story or a common formula.
Each arc in the anime is creative, unique, and as the title implies, bizarre. Every arc, something weird or bizarre happens that either manages to catch you by surprise or just leave you in awe of what is happening before you. The weirdness in JoJo's is what makes the stories engaging and interesting, and along with the stellar characters, each arc ends up being fascinating and intriguing, with you also trying to guess what weird thing is going to happen next. Overall, the story in part 4 ends up being good because it's a collection of stories that are just weird.
Art: 8/10
Overall, the art in JoJo is very subjective because it is entirely dependent on if you like that Araki draws his series full of absolutely shredded adonizes. Although, he does tone down the strapping muscles quite a bit for this part, and draws the characters with more normal proportions while keeping the (in my opinion) charm of the designs in the earlier parts. The animation itself is smooth and good, but nothing is extraordinary about it. The fights are all very well animated, and there is not much to complain about in any aspect of the animation.
As for the parts that make the art really good, for me it is the clothing and the color. For clothing, I just really like the fashion that Araki gives his characters. The outfits are honestly kind of bizarre, but they give each character a lot of, well, character and are pleasing to the eyes. For color, I just absolutely adore the way the series uses color. In case you didn't notice, the town of Morioh has a yellow sky and other odd color choices that really hope to give the town its eerie, somewhat creepy feeling. I also love how during fight scenes, the color of the characters change, as I feel it makes the anime much more visually interesting and engaging.
Sound 10/10
The music in part 4, along wit the rest of JoJo's, is just absolutely phenomenal. Nearly every single piece of music in this anime is amazing, from Josuke's upbeat and energy inducing theme, to the eerie sense of dread that comes from Kira's theme, and even to the returning pieces of music, such as Jotaro's masterpiece of a theme. Based on my interactions with other people, virtually everyone agrees that the music in JoJo's is absolutely fantastic. So, even if you abhor everything else about this anime, you at least will have a great experiencing listening to the music.
As for the voice acting, overall it is pretty solid, although I can't say there are any stand out performances. Every actor does a good job of portraying their character, and I wouldn't say anybody is doing a bad job. The only one I would complain about is that Shigechi in particular is kind of annoying, but that little shit would be grating no matter what kind of voice you give him. So, a marvelous soundtrack combined with solid voice acting makes for the anime having an outstanding sound.
Characters: 9/10
The characters are really what make this series shine. Josuke, the JoJo of this part, is a fairly good main character that has a clearly defined and interesting personality. He is unique compared to the other JoJos, and in my opinion he does a good job of capturing what an actual teenager would act and feel like. Of course, the average teenager is probably not willing to fight the literal murderers that Josuke does, but Josuke still captures the essence of a teenager while acting with the insanity of you standard Shonen protagonist. Okuyasu and Koichi are also great supporting characters. Okusayu has a certain idiot charm about him that makes him entertaining to watch, and Koichi honestly just has one of the best character arcs in the entire series.
The supporting cast in this show is very large, and it helps to both flesh out the town of Morioh and keep the series interesting. The supporting and side characters, while usually not being too deep or complex, are still entertaining to watch and each of them is bizarre in their own special way. And the more prominent supporting characters, such as Rohan and Jotaro, are interesting enough that they can carry their own episodes.
The villains in this show are also great. Each villain, especially in the later episodes, has a very unique, interesting, or complicated ability that makes it fun to watch and see how the main characters are going to beat them. Most villains are also just fun to watch, having the odd psychotic and unhinged air that many JoJo villains have. The main villain of the series is also one of the best main villains in all of JoJo, and any fight or arc involving him is just absolutely marvelous. The aura he radiates is so unique compared to any other JoJo villain, and even if you aren't the biggest fan of JoJo's I think you will enjoy any arc involving him.
Enjoyment: 10/10
This anime is honestly just really fun to watch. Most of the fights are visual eye candy to look at, and seeing all the bizarre things that occur just make you want to keep watching. The plot structure prevents any story from being overly repetitive and the characters make most of the fights have actual weight behind them. The sheer weirdness of the show makes even the most mundane things or episodes fascinating to watch, and many times throughout the series I found myself with the urge to binge through all of it. This show is great if you just want to have some mindless fun without comprehending massively complicated plots or following complicated interpersonal character drama. And, if you can't enjoy two magic fighting ghosts going at each other, then I don't know if there is much hope left for you.
Overall: 9/10
TL;DR; JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable is an additive and amazing pile of fun that contains an excellent slice of life story disguised as an action anime, beautiful fights, an almost orgasmic soundtrack, and amazing characters. Part 4 is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and I recommend that any anime fan try it out.