I really liked Doubt!! because it is such a unique shoujo. It’s definitely not a life-changing manga and it doesn’t take itself too seriously. But that’s what makes it so refreshing. As someone who has read A LOT of romance manga, especially shoujo, the formula can get repetitive. That’s why, I really appreciate these funny mangas that are so unique. It’s definitely a older manga, so be ready for that difference.
As for the comment about the manga pushing a negative message, I don’t really agree. I found the manga to be very satirical, almost a commentary on society. I mean society is not pretty and perfect and people judge you based on how you look. It definitely pushes it to a extreme, but I think it is well founded and can be realistic at times. As someone who can relate with Maekawa, I appreciate this unfiltered view.
Actually, I found this manga to actually push a good message to me. I love how unfiltered and strong Maekawa is. She breaks all the molds for a shoujo female lead. She actually fights for what she wants and I found myself liking her a lot.
I think this manga is a really fun read! The plot is not too interesting, but the characters were lovable enough and the dialogue was so funny, that I found myself enjoying the manga regardless. Definitely pick it up if you want a good laugh and a manga that just makes you smile.