I'll cut things short. I heard about the manga and the next day there was an anime adaptation on Netflix. I was so excited to see it, and well, the anime just feels average. Like it's a regular decent anime. Nothing to special about it.
The horror wasn't even there. I get that they wanted to build up suspense, but it's very...er, lacking? In my opinion the anime is less of a horror and just a edgy dark anime (which I can respect). There were crucial moments that would put the main characters in trouble; and I didn't need to worry because I new some bullshit would happen that would save them lmao.
The characters were great! At least, in my opinion. Maybe It's just cause' I've grew a bit too fond of Mask Sniper lol. (but can you blame me???!) Anyways, the characters are interesting and I do enjoy the mystery to the anime. Aside from the strange underwear shots 24/7, the anime is worth the effort if you simply want to watch your average anime. It's no-where near perfect, and it's not bad. It's just your average decent anime lmao.