Instead of the underlying theme behind romance being memories, ef: A Tale of Melodies is true to its name. It the romance of this season is bolstered by the musical score or melodies. In this review I'll give my impression of this season as a serrate entity and end with commentary on how I think it stacks up as a sequel to ef: memories.
I believe that this is where my opinion will dissent from most viewers. I have never watched a more manufactured and contrived story in my life (other than WW1984). The way in which this show utilizes the topics of love, heartbreak, forgiveness, lies, and overall pain aren't impactful in any sort of way. It feels like characters suffer for the sole point of pushing a narrative forward when it should be the other way around; narrative should make events feel natural and not forced. This season felt like a hodgepodge of different ideas all strung into one tapestry. I don't think it worked for the better. Characters just happen to know each other, we have a young girl that for some reason is in love with an older man (wtf), a dead girl that somehow appears to our characters (plot convenience), an evil dude that does nasty shit and gets away with it, people forcing blame on others when it their misfortune has nothing to do with them... etc. The story was very average. The only reason the score is higher than average is because the visuals carried it on its back.
Story Score: 6 (Fine)
Shaft never really disappoints: they excel at creating visual masterpieces. As states above I believe the visuals were the only thing that made the story above average. There were some REALLY cool shots in this anime. Symbolism was awesome. Example: the metronome as the heart beat. There were a few scenes where I think shadows were used a bit too heavily but nothing to gripe about by far. The characters do have a very unique style with their large eyes and wide angular faces. It honestly makes all the characters look analogous in some shots. I don't love the character designs but they aren't bad. Compared to other shaft works this one holds's no monogatari or madoka but it still looks pretty cool.
Art Score: 8 (Very Good)
I do not listen to classical music. Definitely not the violin. That being said I think the musical score in this anime is great. I feel like songs were placed very strategically within the narrative; there wasn't a single time I felt like music was misplaced. The OP was fantastic. ED was mid. Props to the team who worked on sound . The only reason this is not going to get full marks from me is that there wasn't a song present that I'll remember into the distant future.
Sound Score: 9 (Great)
This show, along with its narrative, was the most average when it came to characters. I only liked the silver haired guy and black haired friend of his. Everyone else is strikingly annoying lol. Not to be harsh but I really can't find a reason to like these characters. Most of them say stupid things to make the audience feel sympathy or guilt, others do despicable acts and are put in place for narrative purpose. The reactions of characters often felt childish and devoid of wisdom/logic. The only characters with a shred of logic were the two I mentioned I liked as well as Renji's older sister. Oh yeah... I also didn't memorize any of the names of characters except for Renji because they were bland AF.
Character Score: 5 (Mediocre/Average)
Despite the major flaws I found in this series the art and sound pulled it all together for me. Without those two working in tandem I would have given this show a scorching review. Shaft saved this narrative for sure. I finished this series in a single days time over the course of two days. If you value the speed at which you can watch an anime then I suppose that's a positive I got through it that quickly.
Enjoyment Score: 7 (Good)
---Ending remarks and score---
This series is the sequel to memories. Memories did not really leave much room for a sequel as I thought everything was wrapped up. Thus, everything that happens in this season doesn't really feel like a proper season 2. I honestly don't think this needed to be made at all. That being said: it was made. And thankfully it was made by shaft. If you were a fan of the original series then you will love this sequel. I give them both the same score.
Final Score: 7 (Good)