Jan 26, 2021
I'm gonna come out and say this before my review. I cried at this anime. Hard. But crying at an anime doesn't necessarily mean it's good. Darling In The FranXX was one hell of a ride, don't get me wrong. There were good points about it, such as how the artwork was pretty good and the story was decent. But it just goes downhill from there. One of the lowest points of this series were the characters. They all felt generic and underdeveloped. None of the characters got much attention or development other than Hiro & Zero Two, since they're the main characters. The events felt jumbled up and not really organized well. SO many things were going on at once and it wasn't enjoyable. Another low point was the villain. Through 90% of the series, you thought the kalaxosaurs (or however you spell them) were the villains. But nope! The series throws a curveball and introduces the true villain of the series 4 episodes before the end of the series. Due to this sudden and late debut, they have no time to explain the villain, and so the villain is just a generic evil entity that wants to rule over the universe. It has no backstory, making the villain just as underdeveloped as the characters. Back to the characters, they should have organized the little character development the characters have better because while Hiro & Zero Two have somewhat okay-paced development and relationship, the other characters' are all over the place. Take for example how the gray hair girl just instantly starting loving the other guy for absolutely no reason, and then they want to get married all of the sudden? It makes no sense like the rest of this series. What I'm trying to say is that despite the good points in this series, it fails to live up to other actual good series. It ends up being an unenjoyable (at least to me) mess of events with unenjoyable characters and a generic story.
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