Jan 25, 2021
Nemurimehime had a lovely slow paced slice of life premise for more casual readers. In having two volumes published, it's quite easy to start reading and makes for a nice daytime passing. The art style exhibited a simplistic design which was perfectly suitable for it's storyline. The climax is relatively subtle and its charismatic energy tends to die down towards the end of volume two but overall, 'Slumbering Beauty' was warm-hearted read. Similarly towards the end of the second volume, its ending seemed to be rather rushed and overglanced as a whole. Given that the first volume was slower paced and established a connection between the few two main characters overtime, I found that it wasn't able follow up with that connection in its later volume. Despite its misshapes, I would still recommend this manga to any viewers trying to get into the whimsical shoujo type of series.
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