Mhmm, Chika Dance. With a largely comedic view on high school love life. This show focus's mostly on characters with no true story aside from the common trope of two students falling in love alongside other minor plot point's. While this lack of true story with no true goal in sight can somethings make it feel like the show may not be getting anywhere. It's masterful use of comedy helps carry this show alongside the characters. Your stereotypical love plot is aided by the somewhat original take on deep comedy. Once truly invested in this show, the humor seems to resonate more and more. Creating a enjoyable show.
As mentioned before, the character truly carry this show. With some great personalities backed by some great voice actors, combining together to create a incredibly funny show. Opening are iconic, with overall sound quality being quite high. This shows enjoyment is impressive considering the common plot points and generalness of the high school love story. Letting the characters taking over the show. If you are looking for a mind numbingly, funny show then give this show a try.