When you want to rate something, usually you read it more than once, because the first read through is as a pure reader: Man I've never seen this, I can't wait for what this Manga/Book has in store for me. But then you have the second read either because you liked it a lot, want to see what you missed, or you're trying to critique it.
My first read-through (up to date) was pretty jaded. I enjoyed it, I thought the main character was cool, strong (but not that stupid "I'm at the level of god" strong). level-headed and down to earth, and an enjoyable person, to a degree. I didn't dwell on any plot holes, or weird turns, I just took in what Hitsuji Gamei gave us. Which I enjoyed. It hit straight 8's across the board.
My second read through however didn't mirror those sentiments. I caught trope after trope, error after error. "Character from another world goes to an adventurers guild takes a test... Can you guess what happens?" Yeah... You can. HOWEVER, I liked it a lot. They didn't go into some crazy 3rd or 4th adventure, currently the story is still mostly linear, and staying on track with the story.
Story: 7/10
I liked some of the unique twists on an already abused and wrung out genre like Isekai. They covered up some plot points like "Why is someone strong from another world" or "Why does one protagonist not want to join a war for the summoners." And while not all of it is cleared right away, it's logical how Suimei defends his reasoning.
The story doesn't stray off often, and while its setting up for some comical harem, you can enjoy the story without having it shoved down your throat.
All that said, it still is lacking in a bunch of areas and could be ironed out.
Art 8/10:
The artwork is more or less impressive. It doesn't feel like anything incredibly unique, however each panel is drawn well and utilizes the imagination of the writer well. I would not say that it's lacking much other than originality and that special something that separates a great piece of art, from a phenomenal one.
Characters: 7.5/10
The characters truly make a story, more so than any other elements in Isekai. You don't read/watch Konosuba for the world, you do it for the characters. Suimei is a very easy to follow lead. He mostly uses "logic" for his actions, and doesn't fall to many of the bottom-tier Isekai trope traits that many do. Is he some what overpowered? Yes. But he does struggle and isn't some kind of one man vs the world super weapon.
You don't really get a feel for many of the other characters, Stingray is... Like a loyal dog, cute and lovable, Suimei's2 friends are.. At the moment super one-dimensional. And Lefille seems to have a great chance at developing.
Enjoyment: 7/10
So far I'm enjoying this, the long waits between releases leaves some anxious feelings, however at the end of the day it's a more unique spin on the "Summoned From Modern Japan" and I can get behind that. I never felt like my time was being wasted while reading.
Overall 7/10:
I can see myself continuing to read this, as of the date I wrote this, there was about 28 chapters out. I reread it 3 times, and still enjoyed the story and art each time. I do recommend you read it. if you can stomach the usual Isekai nonsense.