Don't try to reach the summit if you're not fully dedicated.
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Everything is excessive, in this anime. From the main superpowered character to the used and abused clichés, the storyline trashed with comedic accidents ...
So excessive, that this anime should clearly be considered a comedy, first. And it's quite a suprise that the genre was not tagged to this show.
Think about it : the demon hero asks his very own fan club (an all-girls fan club, mind you) to acclaim him, in a song, in the midst of a battle ?
Quite funny (and what's more, barely bearable since the song is atrocious).
Unfortunately, there's only one problem with this, but it's a major one :
This anime seems to never exactly assume this comedic stance. And it's a pity, really. It seems to go back and forth between a barely mediocre isekai (and i'm being very kind)
to a funny and nonsensic action-packed adventure, but never commits to one of these specific genres.
As a result, the viewers should logically either plainly hate the thing or - for those who can appreciate the nonsense and absurdity of the show - never exactly fully enjoyed these few moments of silliness.
i would still recommand to see this anime, if you've got nothing better to do. In its best moments, it's quite amusing...
But you've been warned :
As excessive as it tried to be, this anime got stuck on a middleground level, never reaching a peak.