I really am late. I expected a lot from this anime. It started really good and I really enjoyed the mystery until the anime pretends to have a mysterious character until it just shows it in your face just to make the viewer feel intelligent or something.
Story 3/10: Like I said, it started pretty well. But it slowly got worse and worse. You must watch it to understand why I'm saying this.
Art 7/10: Balanced colors, good looking characters, good background.
Sound 6/10: I don't really know about sounds, but I think it was decent.
Character 3/10: Most characters don't feel like they are even humans, it feels like we are watching geniuses doing miraculous things and extras doing extra things just for the author's convinience.
Enjorment 4/10: I felt like this show just showed me the middle finger.
Overall 4/10: Watch it if you want to see how wasted the animation is on this show.