Lemme just get straight to the point...
this very manga is REALLY a good read. It has a well written story, the art is fairly good, the characters are all very interesting as well as different in terms of goals, personalities, appearances, thinking etc. I had a thrill while reading this, always eager to see what comes next and each chapter has never cease to amaze me.
Although I'd like to point out that there are certain parts of the manga that are rather unrealistic and (how do I put this??)...odd?? but the good parts of the manga compensates for that.
I love how this manga gives out a raw picture of how the characters develop and carry things out, especially when most of them are in their teens, rather than mature and realistic adults. Throughout the manga, we get to see how these characters learn to adapt to the situation that they are placed and face things that even most adults could never face together.
But like most mangas with a similar story, we witness conflicts slowly arising and personal desires taking over the minds' of some of the characters, that's when the shit hits the fan and when things get REALLY heated. If the characters were adults, those desires would most likely be that of political standpoints, decision making etc etc but as I've said before, this whole ordeal is from the eyes of a bunch of teens and that is what makes everything so compelling.
Overall, this manga is definitely worth the read and if you're planning to give it a go, go ahead. :)