I'll try to keep this short. This Anime is not terrible, just an incredibly mediocre Isekai when this Genre is so over saturated by MUCH better Anime.
The main character is a card board cut out Kirito look alike that gets transported to another world and becomes over powered, same as usual but besides that there's not much of note.
It's incredibly riddiculous how he keeps getting a new skill every 10 seconds. Seriously, if this guy farts he would get a farting skill, it's that stupid and It feels like a parody. There's also no suspense because you know this guy is over powered and he knows it. In other, better isekais, there are over powered characters also, but at least the main characters are interesting and have cool allies, enemies and goals, there's literally nothing going on with this guy.
There's just no reason to watch this in a world where Shield Hero or Reincarnaited as a Slime exists. This Anime is like a rippoff Shield Hero with a garbage bargain bin Lizard girl and a copy pasted Shalltear slave girl that do nothing instead of the much better Raphtalia and Philo. Hell, he even has a cart like Shield hero.
I mean this is still watchable but don't waste your time unless you already watched everything else and got nothing better to do. 5/10