Every couple of months my rating for this anime drops. A couple of years ago I thought this anime was awesome but now its just empty space. This anime is just a time waster. It has taken 310 episodes to complete the story (if it really is completed). That is simply way too long. This entire series is just a giant tease. The battles that are boring and involve no one particularly interesting last 5 episodes. And the really epic battles that the entire series builds up to last 1. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of filler.
Also the story makes no sense whatsoever. There are so many illogical characters (hinamori!) and lose ends that I just threw my hands up and gave up. My advice is: 1. If you haven't already started watching this anime, wait 4-50 years for it to end so you can skip all of the filler episodes or just watch recap episodes. 2. If you already are watching this anime, follow step one. You have probably already wasted several days of your life watching bleach. Don't waste anymore.