
Jun 24, 2020
This is not an anime with deep plot, complicated issues, advanced universe... And I don't think anybody expected that from the art and description. You can definitely feel how this anime could be a stereotypical visual novel. This is actually just a happy story about a group of people. It's something that you can watch to relax. You don't have to think too hard - after all, Bakarina doesn't.

What brings you joy are the genuine friendships between characters, especially knowing how different everything would be without the protagonist's (or is it antagonist's?) influence. Those people have gotten close and fixed their main problems thanks to having someone in their life, and now can depend on others in their little circle. Katarina is quite funny and her being dense at least doesn't make it awkward, since everyone else seems to know what's up. She doesn't even notice that her actions completely changed the plot, since he's not a mean person with no friends, that bullies others - she still expects those endings, like an idiot. Her solutions are definitely out of the box: let's grow vegetables, get a fake snake and get my new brother a complex! She definitely has the protag starter pack: being kind, smiling, stupidity, talk no jutsu, saving everyone, loves eating...

I can't say the story is that good, I've never seen that exact concept in an isekai but I don't watch a lot, also the last two episodes were kinda meh to me... Still, I enjoyed the rest, had fun watching it. Pretty basic, pretty wholesome.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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