this is a special to the Chrono Crusade anime, which has info and insight on certain things relating to the anime, like Aion, the head of pandemonium and more. ofcourse you have to have watched the anime first, but this special goes along with anime so you can actually watch this at the same time your watching the anime.
what you hve to know is that
1. this is only played by Azmaria
2. there's no new bits of anime, its all recycled bit from what you just watched, but it has some chibi pics and small animations that are chibi
3. its nothing but talking, and talking, it explains a lot of info, so it might get confusing.
there doesnt seem to be a subbed version for this but you can find the dubbed version of youtube. the VA that plays Azmaria isnt really well done, especially if you've been listening to the sub, but it grows on you.